Tell your Legislators: Stop the Utility Profit Grab
Dear Assemblymember (cc: Gov. Newsom),
AB 1139 (Gonzalez) is a utility-backed proposal to kill rooftop solar in California. It will harm the existing investments that over 1 million Californians have already made, and will block millions more from ever getting rooftop solar.
AB 1139 is based on utility misinformation. Don’t believe it. The real “cost shift” is from wildfires, power outages and the long-distance transmission lines that cause them.
Rooftop solar reduces those costs and saves everyone money, but also cuts utility profits. That’s what this is all about.
Consumers are watching and counting on you to take their side. AB 1139 is a utility grab for more profits. Now, more than ever, you need to protect the public from power outages and high energy bills. The last thing you should do is attack rooftop solar.